 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 Action Plan for the Diffusion and Promotion of Eco Drive エコドライブ普及・推進アクションプラン
2 Action Plan for the Promotion of Paper Recycling 古紙リサイクル推進のための行動計画
3 Afforestation Promotion Committee 緑化推進委員会
4 Afforestation Promotion Council 緑化推進連絡会議
5 agricultural promotion areas 農業振興地域
6 Aichi-Nagoya COP10 CBD Promotion Committee 生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議支援実行委員会
7 Air Pollution Control Promotion Month 大気汚染防止推進月間
8 Asian Mayors’ Policy Dialogue for the Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) in Cities アジアの市長による環境的に持続可能な交通に関する国際会議
9 Association for Promotion of International Cooperation APIC 国際協力推進協会
10 Basic Guidelines for the Comprehensive and Systematic Promotion of Waste Reduction Measures and Other Appropriate Treatments 廃棄物の減量その他その適正な処理に関する施策の総合的かつ計画的な推進を図るための基本的な方針
11 Basic Guidelines of Japan for the Promotion of Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策推進基本指針
12 Basic Policy for the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services 環境物品等の調達の推進に関する基本方針
13 Basic Policy regarding the Promotion of Use of New Energy Resources 新エネルギー利用等の促進に関する基本方針
14 Bill for the Promotion of Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法案
15 Center for the Dissemination and Promotion of Energy Efficient Construction Materials under the Federation of Construction Materials Industries, Japan (社)日本建材産業協会省エネルギー建材普及促進センター
16 CFC recovery promotion council フロン回収等推進協議会
17 citizens' farms promotion project 市民農園整備事業
18 Coastal Fisheries Promotion Law 沿岸漁業等振興法
19 Committee on Promotion of Noise Abatement Flight Operational Measures 騒音軽減運航方式推進委員会
20 Comprehensive Promotion of Research, Monitoring and Technology Development for Global Environmental Conservation 地球環境保全に関する調査研究、観測・監視及び技術開発の総合的推進について
21 compression promotion process 圧密促進工法
22 Consultation Group for the Promotion of Environmental Education and Environmental Learning 環境教育・環境学習推進に関する協議会
23 Consultation Group on Promotion of the Eco-truck エコ・トラック推進協議会
24 Cool Earth Promotion Programme クールアース推進構想
25 Cooperative Fund for the Promotion of Forest Environment Development 森林環境整備推進協力金
26 Council for Promotion of Recycling リサイクル推進協議会
27 Council of Ministers for Promotion of Comprehensive Measures for Energy 総合エネルギー対策推進閣僚会議
28 Council of Ministries and Agencies Concerned on the Promotion of the Basic Environment Plan 環境基本計画推進関係省庁会議
29 Council of the Cabinet Office and Ministries Concerned with the Promotion of the Basic Environment Plan 環境基本計画推進関係府省会議
30 Deming Distinguished Service Award for Dissemination and Promotion (Overseas) デミング賞普及・推進功労賞(海外)
31 Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market 再生可能エネルギーから得た電気の利用促進に関するEU指令
32 Directive 2003/30/EC on the Promotion of the Use of Biofuels or Other Renewable Fuels for Transport Biofuel Directive 輸送用バイオ燃料及びその他再生可能燃料の使用促進に関する指令 バイオ燃料指令
33 Ecotourism Promotion Committee エコツーリズム推進会議
34 Execution plan for clerical works and projects of government and local authorities based on the Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法に基づく国・地方公共団体の事務・事業に係る実行計画
35 Fact-finding Survey on the Promotion of Reusing Waste Containers and Packaging 容器包装廃棄物の再使用の推進等に関する実態調査
36 fishing ground environment conservation and comprehensive beautification promotion project 漁場環境保全総合美化推進事業
37 Forest Clubs (Programs for the Promotion of Familiarization with Forests) 森林倶楽部(森林ふれあい推進事業)
38 forest promotion program 森林整備事業計画
39 Forum on Development and Promotion of EST EST普及推進フォーラム
40 Future Environment Creation Model Basic Research Promotion Fund 未来環境創造型基礎研究推進費
41 Future Environmental Creation Model Basic Research Promotion System 未来環境創造型基礎研究推進制度
42 Glass Bottle Recycling Promotion Association ガラスビンリサイクリング推進連合
43 Glass Bottles Recycling Promotion Council ガラスビびんリサイクル促進協議会
44 global warming countermeasure area promotion plan 地球温暖化対策地域推進計画
45 Grant Program for Promotion of the Basic Environment Plan 環境基本計画推進事業費補助制度
46 greening promotion campaign 緑化推進運動
47 Greening Promotion Campaign Implementation Plan 緑化推進運動の実施計画
48 Guidelines for Promotion of Voluntary Management of Hazardous Air Pollutants by Business Entities 事業者による有害大気汚染物質の自主管理促進のための指針
49 Guidelines for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
50 hands-on environmental learning promotion program for children through the cooperation of related ministries and agencies 省庁連携子ども体験型環境学習推進事業
51 Industrial Relocation Promotion Law 工業再配置促進法 工配法
52 Industrial Standardization Promotion Month 標準化推進月間
53 Inter-Agency Conference for the Promotion of the Control of Pollution Caused by PCB-like Chemicals PCB様化学物質汚染対策推進会議
54 Japan Automobile Recycling Promotion Center (財)自動車リサイクル促進センター
55 Japan International Forestry Promotion and Cooperation Center JIFPRO 国際緑化推進センター
56 Japan Private School Promotion Foundation 日本私学振興財団
57 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 日本学術振興会
58 Law concerning Agricultural Land etc., Reserved in the Urbanization Promotion Area 生産緑地法
59 Law concerning Promotion of Development and Introduction of Alternative Energy 石油代替エネルギーの開発及び導入の促進に関する法律
60 Law Concerning Promotion of the Development and Introduction of Alternative Energy 代エネ法
61 Law concerning Provisional Measures for Promotion of Administrative Work on Certification of Minamata Disease 水俣病の認定業務の促進に関する臨時措置法
62 Law concerning Reporting etc. of Release of Specific Chemical Substances to the Environment and Promotion of the Improvement of Their Management 化学物質排出把握管理促進法
63 Law concerning Special Measures for Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Waste PCB Special Measures Law ポリ塩化ビフェニル廃棄物の適正な処理の推進に関する特別措置法 PCB特別措置法
64 Law Concerning Special Measures for the Promotion and Development of Okinawa 沖縄振興開発特別措置法
65 Law concerning Special Measures for the Promotion of New Energy Use, etc. 新エネルギー利用等の促進に関する特別措置法
66 Law concerning the Enhancement of Willingness for Environmental Conservation and Promotion of Environmental Education 環境の保全のための意欲の増進及び環境教育の推進に関する法律
67 Law concerning the Promotion of Contracts considering Reduction of GHGs Emissions by the State and Other Entities Green Contract Law 国等における温室効果ガス等の排出の削減に配慮した契約の推進に関する法律 環境配慮契約法
68 Law concerning the Promotion of Forest Development through the Green Fund 緑の募金による森林整備等の推進に関する法律
69 Law concerning the Promotion of Infrastructure Development for Recreational Activities While Staying at Agricultural, Fishing, and Mountain Villages 農山漁村滞在型余暇活動のための基盤整備の促進に関する法律
70 Law Concerning the Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法
71 Law concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-friendly Goods 国等による環境物品等の調達の推進等に関する法律 グリーン購入法
72 Law concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services by the State and Other Entities Law on Promoting Green Purchasing; Green Purchasing Promotion Law 国等による環境物品等の調達の推進等に関する法律 グリーン購入法
73 Law concerning the Promotion of Projects to Preserve Water Quality in Drinking Water 水道原水水質保全事業の実施の促進に関する法律
74 Law concerning the Promotion of the Improvement of Basic Conditions of Agriculture, Forestry and Other Business in Hilly and Mountainous Areas 特定農山村地域における農林業等の活性化のための基盤整備の促進に関する法律
75 Law Concerning the Promotion of the Measures to Cope with Global Warming 地球温暖化対策の推進に関する法律 "地球温暖化対策推進法,温対法"
76 Law for Promotion of Effective Use of Resources 資源有効利用促進法
77 Law for Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging 容器包装の分別収集及び再商品化の促進等に関する法律 容器包装リサイクル法
78 Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources Resource Utilization Promotion Law 資源の有効な利用の促進に関する法律 資源有効利用促進法
79 Law for the Promotion of Nature Restoration 自然再生推進法
80 Law for the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging Containers and Packaging Recycling Law 容器包装に係る分別収集及び再商品化の促進等に関する法律 容器包装リサイクル法
81 Law for the Promotion of the Utilization of Recyclable Food Resources Food Recycling Law 食品循環資源の再生利用等の促進に関する法律 食品リサイクル法
82 Law for the Promotion of Utilization of Recyclable Resources Recycled Resource Utilization Promotion Law 再生資源の利用の促進に関する法律 再生資源利用促進法
83 Law for the Promotion of Utilization of Recycled Resources 資源の有効な利用の促進に関する法律 改正リサイクル法
84 Law of Provisional Measures for Promotion of the Construction of Designated Facilities through the Participation of Private Enterprises 民間事業者の能力の活用による特定設備の促進に関する臨時措置法 民活法
85 Law on the Promotion of Introduction of Industry into Agricultural Regions 農村地域工業等導入促進法
86 Liaison Council for the Dissemination and Promotion of Insulation under the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (財)建築環境・省エネルギー機構断熱普及・促進連絡会議
87 Local Promotion Council for the Resource Conservation and Energy Conservation People's Movement 省資源・省エネルギー国民運動地方推進会議
88 low-emission vehicle promotion 低公害車普及推進
89 marine development and global science and technology study promotion expense 海洋開発及び地球科学技術調査研究促進費
90 Measure for the Promotion of People's Participation in Forest Operations 森林林業市民参加促進対策
91 Measures for the Promotion of Environmentally Aware Business Activities 環境に配慮した事業活動の促進方策について
92 ministerial ordinance partially amending the enforcement regulation for the Law for the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging 容器包装に係る分別収集及び再商品化の促進等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令
93 model municipality for the promotion of environmental education 環境教育推進モデル市町村
94 Model Project for Comprehensive Promotion of Basic Environment Plan for Countryside and Other Environment 里地等環境基本計画総合推進モデル事業
95 Multi-Polar Patterns National Land Formation Promotion Law 多極分散型国土形成促進法
96 National Association Promotion of Environmental Conservation (社)全国環境保全推進連合会
97 National Convention for the Promotion of the 3Rs 3R推進全国大会
98 National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization 国土緑化推進機構
99 Nature Restoration Promotion Conference 自然再生推進会議
100 Nature Restoration Promotion Council 自然再生推進会議