 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 Multilateral Environmental Agreements MEAs 多数国間環境協定
2 A Guide for Quality Assurance concerning Environmental Measurement of Dioxins (for Bioassays) ダイオキシン類の環境測定に係る精度管理の手引き(生物検定法)
3 acceleration measurement 加速度測定
4 acoustic measurement 音響測定
5 Act concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Historic Natural Features and Improvement of the Life Environment in Asuka Village 明日香村における歴史的風土の保存及び生活環境の整備等に関する特別措置法
6 Act Concerning Special Measures for Total Emission Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides and Particulate Matter from Automobiles in Specified Areas Automobile NOx/PM Act 自動車から排出される窒素酸化物及び粒子状物質の特定地域における総量の削減等に関する特別措置法 自動車NOx・PM法
7 Act on Interim Measures 暫定措置法
8 Act on Interim Measures concerning Custom 関税暫定措置法
9 Act on Special Measures 特別措置法
10 Act on Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策特別措置法
11 Act on Special Measures concerning Taxation 租税特別措置法
12 Act on Temporary Measures 臨時措置法
13 Act on Temporary Measures concerning Fine 罰金等臨時措置法
14 adaptive measure 適応措置
15 additional policy measure 追加的な政策
16 administrative measure 行政措置
17 adopt proactive measure 積極的な取り組みを進める
18 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 補助金及び相殺措置に関する協定 補助金協定
19 Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 衛生植物検疫措置の適用に関する協定 SPS協定
20 Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures 貿易に関連する投資措置に関する協定 TRIM協定
21 agricultural land in need of program for soil contamination measures 農用地土壌汚染対策地域
22 air pollution countermeasures of Ube city 宇部方式
23 air quality measurement 大気質測定
24 air sampling measurement 空気捕集法
25 airborne measurement (of meteorological elements or air pollution) 航空機測定 (気象、大気汚染などの)
26 aircraft noise measure 航空機騒音対策
27 allocation of plots for measurement 実測調査プロットの配置
28 anti-noise measures around airports 空港等周辺騒音対策
29 anti-pollution measures 環境汚染対策
30 appropriate measure 適当な措置
31 Appropriate Measures to Cope with Minamata Disease 今後の水俣病対策のあり方について
32 appropriate, effective and proportionate measures 適当で効果的な、かつ均衡のとれた措置
33 appropriateness of measurements 測定項目の適切性
34 area needing measures 対策地域
35 Assessing the Risk of Chemical Compounds in the Environment and Their Effects on the Next Generation and Studying Measures to Cope with the Risk 環境中の複合化学物質による次世代影響リスクの評価とリスク対応支援に関する研究
36 automatic measuring instrument 自動計測機
37 automatic water quality measurement 自動水質計測
38 back-end measure バックエンド対策
39 bailout measure 支援措置[救済措置]
40 Basic Guidelines for the Comprehensive and Systematic Promotion of Waste Reduction Measures and Other Appropriate Treatments 廃棄物の減量その他その適正な処理に関する施策の総合的かつ計画的な推進を図るための基本的な方針
41 Basic Guidelines of Japan for the Promotion of Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策推進基本指針
42 Basic Policy for Measures against Aircraft Noise 航空機騒音対策基本方針
43 Basic Policy on Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策に関する基本方針
44 Basic Research for Environmental Health Measures 環境保健施策基礎調査
45 basis of various measures, and measures facilitating the participation of various actors and international cooperation 各種施策の基盤、各主体の参加及び国際協力に係る施策
46 be capable of consistent evaluation or measurement against suitable criteria 適切な基準に照らして一貫した評価又は測定を行えるものである
47 bill for making partial amendment to the Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全特別措置法の一部を改正する法律案
48 bill for soil contamination measure 土壌汚染対策法案
49 Bill for the Promotion of Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策推進法案
50 capacity-building measures and activities 能力構築の措置及び活動
51 car noise reduction measure 自動車騒音低減対策
52 cell constant (for conductivity measure cell) セル定数〔導電率測定セルの〕
53 Central Environment Council's Special Committee on a Taxation System for Global Warming Measures 中央環境審議会地球温暖化対策税制専門委員会
54 certified measurer 計量士
55 certified measurer 環境計量士
56 chemical substance safety measures 化学物質安全確保対策
57 clear and measurable standard and requirement 測定可能で明確な基準と要件
58 climate policy measure 気候変動対策
59 Committee for Acid Rain Measures 酸性雨対策検討会
60 Committee of Authorities Concerned with Measures against Road Traffic Pollution 道路交通公害対策関係省庁連絡会議
61 Committee on Control Measures of Emission of Hydrocarbons from Stationary Sources 固定発生源対策検討会
62 Committee on Promotion of Noise Abatement Flight Operational Measures 騒音軽減運航方式推進委員会
63 common cross-industry measures designed to improve the efficiency of energy use and conversion 業種横断的なエネルギー利用・転換の効率化対策
64 compensation measure 代償措置
65 compensatory measure 代償措置
66 Comprehensive Energy Saving Measures for 2000 2000年に向けた総合的な省エネルギー対策
67 comprehensive measure for protection of wildlife and prevention of damage 野生鳥獣管理・被害総合対策
68 Comprehensive Measures of Minamata Disease 水俣病総合対策医療事業
69 comprehensive parking measure 総合的な駐車対策
70 Conference for Promoting Countermeasures against Mercury Contamination 水銀汚染対策推進会議
71 conservation measures 保全策
72 Consultation Group on Measures for Prevention of Red Soil Erosion 赤土等流出防止対策協議会
73 Contact with Nature Town Development Special Measure Program 緑とふれあいの里整備特別対策事業
74 contingency measures 緊急事態対応
75 continuous air pollutant measurement 大気汚染連続測定
76 continuous measurement 連続測定
77 continuous measuring instrument 連続測定装置
78 contractual research involving environmental measurement of dioxins ダイオキシン類の環境測定を伴う請負調査
79 control measure 規制措置
80 control measurement 管理項目
81 control measurement 管理点
82 control of monitoring and measuring devices 監視機器及び測定機器の管理
83 Council of Ministers for Promotion of Comprehensive Measures for Energy 総合エネルギー対策推進閣僚会議
84 countermeasure 対策
85 Countermeasure Manual for Atmosphere Pollution by Source Type 汚染源別発生源対策マニュアル
86 countermeasures against Shinkansen Superexpress Railway noise above 75dB(phon) 新幹線鉄道騒音の75デシベル(ホン)対策
87 countermeasures for Abundant Forest Creation 豊かな森林づくり対策
88 countermeasures for hazardous air pollutants 有害大気汚染物質対策
89 Countermeasures for Minamata disease 水俣病対策について
90 Current Environmental Issues and Environmental Conservation Measures by the Government 環境問題の現状及び政府が環境の保全に関して講じた施策
91 detection and measurement technique 検出測定技術
92 diesel engine smoke measurement ディーゼル自動車排気煙濃度測定方法
93 digital dust measuring apparatus デジタル粉塵計
94 direct measurement 直接測定
95 Directions for Implementing Measures to Create an "Environment Nation, Japan" 「環境立国・日本」に向けた施策の展開方向
96 disaster control measures 災害対策
97 domestic measure 国内措置
98 drug concentration measurement 薬物濃度の測定
99 economic measure 経済的措置
100 economically and socially sound measures 経済的及び社会的に健全な措置
101 economics, trade and incentive measures 経済、貿易及び奨励措置