 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 coordination 連携
2 close cooperation 密接な連携
3 Collaborative Project on Development of Municipal Wastewater Treatment 汚水処理施設連携整備事業
4 economic partnership 経済連携
5 economic partnership agreement 経済連携協定
6 enhanced coordination of environment conventions and development of policy instruments 環境関連条約との連携及び環境政策に関する手法の開発
7 hands-on environmental learning promotion program for children through the cooperation of related ministries and agencies 省庁連携子ども体験型環境学習推進事業
8 in conjunction with business, academia and government 産学官の連携の下に
9 inter-business partnership 業際間の連携
10 international collaboration 国際的な連携
11 inter-regional cooperation 広域的な連携
12 liaise with sb (〜と)連携する
13 mechanisms for interagency coordination 機関間連携の仕組み
14 opportunities for US-Japan cooperation 連携の可能性(日米の)
15 Program for Promoting International Environmental Cooperation by Joining Forces with Local Governments and NGOs 地方公共団体・NGO等の連携による国際環境協力推進事業
16 Program for Promoting the Creation of Beautiful Agricultural, Fishing, and Mountain Villages through Partnership 美しい農村漁村創出連携促進事業
17 Program to Support Local Learning Activities through Cooperation with Local NPOs 地域NPOとの連携による地域学習活動活性化支援事業
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