 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 contract 契約
2 contract 契約書
3 contract 締結
4 contract 締結する
5 contract 約款
6 contract 請負
7 absolute contract 無条件契約
8 access contract アクセス契約
9 bilateral contract 双務契約
10 carbon contract 炭素契約書
11 civil contract 市民契約
12 commercial contract 商業契約
13 comparative contract law 比較契約法
14 consignment contract agreement 委託契約
15 consumer contract 消費者契約
16 contract agreement 請負契約
17 contract amendment 契約修正
18 contract collection 委託収集
19 contract farming trusting cultivation with wages, charges, etc. 請負耕作
20 contract for freezing volume 容積建保管契約
21 contract for land, materials and services 土地、資材、役務に関する契約
22 contract for value 有償契約
23 contract for work 請負
24 contract law 契約法
25 contract of adhesion 附合契約
26 contract of guarantee 保証契約
27 contract on quality assurance system 品質保証契約
28 contract sales organization CSO 医薬品販売業務受託機関
29 contract sterilization facilities 受託滅菌施設
30 contract work 請負工事
31 contract-law system 契約法体系
32 environmentally considerate contract green contracting 環境配慮契約 グリーン契約
33 extended contract 再契約
34 general contract 一式請負
35 government contract 政府契約
36 grant contract signed by owner 所有者が署名した譲渡契約書
37 grant scheme contract 助成金関係の契約書
38 insurance contract 保険契約
39 labor contract 労働契約
40 Law concerning the Promotion of Contracts considering Reduction of GHGs Emissions by the State and Other Entities Green Contract Law 国等における温室効果ガス等の排出の削減に配慮した契約の推進に関する法律 環境配慮契約法
41 lump sum contract 総価契約
42 management contract system 管理協定制度
43 negotiated contract 随意契約
44 negotiation contract 特命工事
45 operation and maintenance by contract 委託管理
46 package deal contract 一括契約
47 partial farm work contract 農作業の請負い、請負わせ
48 protection contract 保存契約
49 provisional contract 仮契約
50 res relevant to an ABS contract ABS契約に関係する対象物
51 self-contract 自己契約
52 service contract 役務提供委託
53 signing date of loan contract 借款契約調印日
54 social contract 社会契約
55 third party beneficiary contract 第三者のためにする契約
56 turn-key contract ターンキー契約
57 verification of contract 契約認証
58 worker dispatch contract 労働者派遣契約
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