 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 measure 尺度
2 measure 手段
3 measure 処置
4 measure 方策
5 measure 施策
6 measure 措置
7 measure 計量する
8 measure 測定する
9 measure 測量
10 adaptive measure 適応措置
11 additional policy measure 追加的な政策
12 administrative measure 行政措置
13 adopt proactive measure 積極的な取り組みを進める
14 aircraft noise measure 航空機騒音対策
15 appropriate measure 適当な措置
16 back-end measure バックエンド対策
17 bailout measure 支援措置[救済措置]
18 bill for soil contamination measure 土壌汚染対策法案
19 car noise reduction measure 自動車騒音低減対策
20 cell constant (for conductivity measure cell) セル定数〔導電率測定セルの〕
21 climate policy measure 気候変動対策
22 compensation measure 代償措置
23 compensatory measure 代償措置
24 comprehensive measure for protection of wildlife and prevention of damage 野生鳥獣管理・被害総合対策
25 comprehensive parking measure 総合的な駐車対策
26 Contact with Nature Town Development Special Measure Program 緑とふれあいの里整備特別対策事業
27 control measure 規制措置
28 domestic measure 国内措置
29 economic measure 経済的措置
30 emergency measure 応急措置
31 emergency measure 応急対策
32 emergency measure 緊急時の措置
33 emergency measure 緊急措置
34 energy conservation measure 省エネルギー対策
35 energy demand curb measure エネルギー需要抑制対策
36 energy measure-related expense エネルギー対策関係経費
37 environmental conservation measure for ports 港湾環境保全対策
38 environmental health measure 環境保健対策
39 environmental measure 環境対策
40 environmental pollution control measure 公害対策
41 environmental pollution control measure 環境汚染対策
42 financial measure 金融上の措置
43 financial support measure 金融支援措置
44 flood control measure 水害対策
45 follow up and compliance measure フォローアップ及び遵守措置
46 forest sink measure 森林吸収源対策
47 global warming abatement measure 温暖化防止対策
48 gross measure of AAA on a 4-point scale 〜を肉眼で測る4点制の尺度
49 ground environment conservation measure 地盤環境保全対策
50 Guidance on How to Measure and Report your Greenhouse Gas Emissions 温室効果ガス削減量の算定・報告方法に関する手引
51 health measure 保健対策
52 health-care measure 保健対策
53 high-tide measure 高潮対策
54 improvement measure 改善措置
55 incentive measure 奨励措置
56 individual vehicle measure 自動車単体対策
57 industrial effluent measure 産業排水対策
58 industrial waste measure 産業廃棄物対策
59 interim measure 当面の取組
60 interim measure 経過措置
61 legal measure 法律に基づく措置
62 legally-binding measure 法的規制手段
63 local pollution measure 局地汚染対策
64 logistic measure 物流対策
65 marine pollution prevention measure 海洋汚染防止対策
66 master plan about global warming measure in local public entity 地方公共団体における地球温暖化対策に関するマスタープラン
67 measure against eutrophication in lakes, reservoirs, and sea areas 湖沼及び海域の富栄養化対策
68 measure against soil contamination 土壌汚染対策
69 Measure Enhancement Scenarios 対策強化ケース
70 measure for airport surroundings 空港周辺対策
71 measure for building the base for various measures 各種施策の基盤となる施策等
72 measure for illegal logging 違法伐採対策
73 measure for interference with TV reception テレビ受信障害対策
74 measure for municipal solid waste 一般廃棄物対策
75 measure for neighborhood noise 近隣騒音対策
76 measure for offensive odor 悪臭対策
77 measure for prevention of littered cans 空き缶散乱防止対策
78 measure for reducing pollution 汚濁負荷削減対策
79 Measure for the Promotion of People's Participation in Forest Operations 森林林業市民参加促進対策
80 measure of central tendency 代表値
81 measure that may be necessary to ensure that the aims and objectives of the Management Plan can continue to be met 管理計画の目的の達成が継続されることを確保するために必要な措置
82 measure to control carbon dioxide emission 二酸化炭素排出抑制対策
83 measure to control CO2 emission 二酸化炭素抑制対策
84 measure to control for hydrocarbons emission 炭化水素類排出抑制対策
85 measure to control methane and other greenhouse gas emission メタンその他の温室効果ガス排出抑制対策
86 measure to improve energy conservation of buildings 建築物の省エネ性能の向上対策
87 measure to improve energy conservation of residential housing 住宅の省エネ性能の向上対策
88 measure to improve the efficiency of equipment 機器の効率改善対策
89 measure to prevent the leakage 漏洩防止対策
90 measure to prevent water from leaking into the tunnel construction area トンネル工部の湧水防止対策
91 measure to reduce motor vehicle exhaust 自動車排出ガス低減対策
92 mitigation measure 影響緩和措置
93 mitigation measure 影響緩和(ミティゲーション)措置
94 necessary measure 所要の措置
95 necessary measure 必要な措置
96 noise source measure 音源対策
97 no-regret measure 後悔しない対策
98 odor control measure 悪臭防止対策
99 ozone layer depletion measure オゾン層の破壊対策
100 policy measure 政策手法
101 policy measure 施策
102 pollution control measure 公害対策
103 pollution measure expenses of local governments 地方公共団体公害対策決算状況
104 population control measure 人口抑制策
105 preferential measure on the fixed property tax base 固定資産税の課税標準の特例
106 preferential tax measure 税制優遇措置
107 preservative measure 保全措置
108 preventive measure 未然防止対策
109 preventive measure 防止措置
110 priority area for domestic effluent measure 生活排水対策重点地域
111 PRO measure 患者報告アウトカムの評価項目 PRO評価項目
112 protective measure 保護処分
113 quantitative measure of activity that results in a GHG emission or removal GHGの排出量又は吸収量をもたらす活動の定量的な測定値
114 reduction measure 軽減措置
115 regional revitalization and promotion measure 地域再生・振興施策
116 regulatory measure 規制的措置
117 restoration measure 原状回復措置
118 roadside measure 沿道対策
119 safety measure 安全策
120 seasonal air pollution control measure 季節大気汚染対策
121 soil contamination measure 土壌汚染対策
122 source measure 発生源対策
123 special depreciation measure 特別償却措置
124 special financial measure 財政上の特別措置
125 taxation measure 税制上の措置
126 Technical Study Committee Report on the Application of Simplified Analytical Methods to Measure the State of Soil and Sediment Contamination by Dioxins ダイオキシン類簡易測定法評価検討会報告書
127 trade measure 貿易措置
128 traffic flow measure 交通流対策
129 transitional measure 経過措置
130 urban soil contamination control measure 市街地土壌汚染対策
131 vibration measure 振動対策
132 voluntary environmental measure 自主的な環境への取組
133 water environmental conservation measure 水域環境保全対策
134 water pollution measure 水質汚染対策
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