 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 adiabatic 断熱
2 insulation 断熱
3 thermal insulating 断熱
4 acceleration of the shift to CFC-free foaming agents and insulation 発泡・断熱材のノンフロン化の一層の促進
5 adiabatic change 断熱変化
6 adiabatic chart 断熱図
7 adiabatic combustion 断熱燃焼
8 adiabatic compression 断熱圧縮
9 adiabatic curve 断熱曲線
10 adiabatic diagram 断熱線図
11 adiabatic expansion 断熱膨張
12 adiabatic lapse rate 断熱減率
13 adiabatic process 断熱過程
14 adiabatic temperature change 断熱温度変化
15 CFC-free insulation ノンフロン断熱材
16 diatom insulator 珪藻土断熱材
17 dry adiabatic lapse rate 乾燥断熱減率
18 enhancing the insulation properties of construction materials 建築物の断熱構造の強化
19 foam insulating materials containing CFC gas フロンガス入り発泡断熱材
20 heat insulating material 断熱材
21 high performance heat shield double-glazed glass 高断熱複層ガラス
22 insulated stream 断熱流
23 insulated wall 断熱壁
24 insulating brick 断熱レンガ
25 insulating fire brick 耐火断熱レンガ
26 insulating material 断熱材
27 insulation efficiency 断熱性能
28 Liaison Council for the Dissemination and Promotion of Insulation under the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (財)建築環境・省エネルギー機構断熱普及・促進連絡会議
29 outer wall thermal insulation 建屋外壁面断熱構造
30 recycled heat insulating materials リサイクル断熱材
31 thermal insulation material 断熱材
32 thermal insulation paint 断熱塗装