 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 compliance 適合
2 conform 適合
3 conformance 適合
4 conformity 適合
5 suitability 適合
6 accreditation and conformity assessment 認定及び適合性評価
7 adulterated 法定基準不適合(農薬純度、食品中の残留農薬などについていう)
8 application of indications of conformity 適合表示の適用
9 assurance of conformity 適合の保証
10 authority of compliance inspection 適合性調査権者
11 biocompatibility 生体適合性
12 certificate of conformity 適合証明書
13 compliance inspection 適合性調査
14 comply with 適合する〔基準などに〕
15 conform 適合する
16 conformance with ISO 3745 ISO 3745への適合
17 conformity assessment 適合性評価
18 conformity assessment 適合性審査
19 Conformity Assessment - Code of Good Practice (JIS Q 60:2006) 適合性評価−適正実施規準(JIS Q 0060:2006)
20 Conformity assessment - General requirements for third-party marks of conformity (JIS Q 17030:2004) 適合性評価−第三者適合マークに対する一般要求事項(JIS Q 17030:2004)
21 Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principles (JIS Q 17000:2005) 適合性評価−用語及び一般原則(JIS Q 17000:2005)
22 Conformity Assessment Section, Headquarters to Performance Evaluation, Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials (財)建材試験センター性能評価本部適合証明課
23 conformity inspection 適合性検査
24 conformity testing 適合性試験
25 control of nonconforming product 不適合製品の管理
26 date of application for QMS compliance inspection 適合性調査申請年月日
27 declaration of conformity DOC 適合宣言書
28 design for environment DfE 環境適合設計
29 environmental compliance 環境適合性
30 environmentally compliant product 環境適合製品
31 environmentally sensitive design 環境適合設計
32 fitness for purpose 目的適合性
33 Form-Fit-Function Form-Fit-Function(形状・適合性・機能)
34 Guidelines for corrective action to be taken by a certification body in the event of misuse of its mark of conformity (ISO Guide 27:1983) 適合マークの誤用の場合に認証機関が取る是正処置の指針(ISO Guide 27:1983)
35 Japan Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (財)日本適合性認定協会
36 mark of conformity 適合マーク
37 meet international standards 国際基準に適合する
38 Methods of indicating conformity with standards for third-party certification systems (ISO/IEC Guide 23:1982) 第三者認証制度のために規格への適合を表示するための方法(ISO/IEC Guide 23:1982)
39 Noise Standard Compatibility Verification System 騒音基準適合証明制度
40 Noise Standard Compatibility Verification System, which prohibits the flying of aircraft generating noise greater than the standard level 一定の基準以上の騒音を発生する航空機の運行を禁止する耐空証明[旧騒音基準適合証明]
41 nonconformance 不適合
42 nonconforming product 不適合製品
43 nonconformity 不適合
44 Notification of the Results of the Quality Management System Compliance Inspection of Medical Devices 医療機器適合性調査結果通知書
45 number rejected 不適合数
46 state of compliance 適合状況
47 The Japan Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment 日本適合性認定協会
48 vehicle complying with the latest regulations 最新規制適合車
49 vehicle that comply with the emission control standards 排出ガス規制適合車
50 vehicles that conform to 1998 motor vehicle exhaust gas controls 平成10年自動車排出ガス規制適合車
51 verification of aircraft conformity with noise standard 騒音基準適合証明
52 verification of conformity with the noise standard 騒音基準の適合の証明