 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 claim 請求
2 demand 請求
3 request 請求
4 acknowledgment of claims 請求の認諾
5 addition of claims 請求の追加
6 application for Class I Area 第一種地域への審査請求
7 cause of action 請求の原因
8 claim 請求権
9 claim 請求項
10 claim 特許請求
11 claim for extinction of mortgage 抵当権消滅請求
12 claim to territorial sovereignty 領土についての請求権
13 claimant 請求人
14 claimee 被請求人
15 counterclaim 反対請求
16 demand for recovery of the right of appeal 上訴権回復の請求
17 demandant 請求人
18 demandee 被請求人
19 direct petition 直接請求
20 dismissal with prejudice on the merits 請求棄却
21 gist of a claim 請求の趣旨
22 joint claim 併合請求
23 lawsuit for damage compensation 損害賠償請求訴訟
24 lawsuit for state redress 国家賠償請求訴訟
25 order to apply for examination 審査請求命令
26 per claim 一請求項につき
27 request for administrative grievance hearings 行政不服審査請求
28 request for compensation benefit 保証給付の請求
29 request for disclosure 開示請求
30 request for registration 登録請求
31 request for review 審査請求
32 request for the disclosure 開示請求
33 request for trial 公判請求
34 requester 請求人
35 requesting country 請求国
36 right of reimbursement of court costs 訴訟費用償還請求権
37 right to 請求権
38 right to claim for suspension of business 操業停止請求権
39 summary judgment to the court (issue) 略式命令請求
40 waiver of claims 請求の放棄
41 written claim 請求書
42 written demand 請求書
43 written request 請求書
44 written request for registration 登録請求書
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