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English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 Asian Wetland Inventory AWI アジア湿地目録
2 Areawide Air Pollutant Emission Regulation System 総量規制制度 (大気)
3 Areawide Pollutant Load Control System 総量規制制度 (大気/水)
4 Areawide Pollutant Load Regulation Plan for Lake Water Conservation 湖沼総量削減計画
5 areawide total pollutant emission control for sulfur oxides 硫黄酸化物総量規制
6 areawide total pollutant load control 総量規制
7 areawide total pollutant load control area 総量規制地域
8 Areawide Total Pollutant Load Control for Nitrogen Oxides 窒素酸化物総量規制
9 Areawide Total Pollutant Load Reduction Plan 総量削減計画
10 Areawide Water Pollutant Emission Regulation System 総量規制制度 (水)
11 Areawide Water Pollutant Regulation Standard 水質総量規制基準
12 assembly drawing 組立図
13 Basic Policy for Areawide Total Pollutant Load Control 総量削減基本方針
14 build drawings 竣工図
15 detail drawing 詳細図
16 drain drawing 排水図
17 drawing 製図
18 drawing for approval 承認図
19 engineering drawings 図面
20 Guidelines on Agriculture and Wetland Interactions GAWI 農業と湿地の相互作用に関するガイドライン
21 Malawi Principle マラウイ原則
22 perspective drawing 透視図
23 Plan for Reduction of Areawide Total Pollutant Load 総量削減基本方針
24 Procedures and Guidelines for Access and Collection of Genetic Resources in Malawi マラウィの遺伝資源へのアクセス及び採集に関する手続及びガイドライン
25 redrawing of boundaries 境界線の変更
26 sawing log and delivering the sawlumber for a fixed charge at the sawmill requested by a log owner 賃びき
27 Standard for Areawide Total Pollutant Load Control 総量規制基準
28 thawing permafrost 永久凍土の融解
29 wholesaler sawing and selling special-sized woods by order and standardized woods in expectation of demand 挽立業者
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