 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 suit 訴訟
2 action on checks 小切手訴訟
3 action on small claim 少額訴訟
4 administrative lawsuit 行政訴訟
5 administrative lawsuit (appeal) 行政事件訴訟(抗告訴訟)
6 administrative suit 行政訴訟
7 case record 訴訟記録
8 civil action 民事訴訟
9 civil suit 民事訴訟
10 Code of Civil Procedure 民事訴訟法
11 Code of Criminal Procedure 刑事訴訟法
12 competence to stand trial (court proceedings) 訴訟能力
13 control of court proceedings 訴訟指揮
14 counsel 訴訟代理人
15 court costs 訴訟費用
16 court proceedings 訴訟手続
17 criminal action 刑事訴訟
18 criminal suit 刑事訴訟
19 First Niigata Minamata Disease Action 新潟水俣病第一次訴訟
20 HCCH Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Case of the International Sale of Goods (1958) HCCH国際動産売買の訴訟で選択された法廷地の管轄に関する条約(1958年)
21 infringement lawsuit 侵害訴訟
22 intervention 訴訟参加
23 joint parties 共同訴訟人
24 joint suit 共同訴訟
25 large-scale suit 大規模訴訟
26 lawsuit against night take-off and landing 夜間の発着禁止を求める訴訟
27 lawsuit for damage compensation 損害賠償請求訴訟
28 lawsuit for state redress 国家賠償請求訴訟
29 Minamata Disease appeal 水俣病抗告訴訟
30 Minamata Disease Being Waiting for Charges Suit 水俣病「待ち料」訴訟
31 negotiable instrument suit 手形訴訟
32 Niigata Minamata disease lawsuit case 新潟水俣病訴訟
33 notice of suit 訴訟告知
34 Osaka Airport Pollution Suit 大阪国際空港公害訴訟
35 person concerned in the case 訴訟関係人
36 person without capacity to litigate 訴訟無能力者
37 pollution litigation 公害訴訟
38 procedural action 訴訟行為
39 record of a case 訴訟記録
40 right of reimbursement of court costs 訴訟費用償還請求権
41 Rules of Civil Procedure 民事訴訟規則
42 Yokkaichi Pollution Lawsuit 四日市公害訴訟
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