 x  Q 🎲  ?  翻訳類語辞典


〜したまま の訳語→ just with

〜しては〜する の訳語→ always in pleasure

〜しても の訳語→ despite even

〜ながら の訳語→ although as but though while

あげく の訳語→ after finally then

あとは の訳語→ else everything next now rest

あるいは の訳語→ perhaps sometimes

いいか の訳語→ buddy kid listen look okay well

いいかい の訳語→ hell here

いや の訳語→ boy except gad hate indeed more neh no nope not oh sick um weary why yes

いよいよ の訳語→ about close ever gradually great greatly really rich so steadily still very

おかげで の訳語→ because therefore

おまけに の訳語→ also besides furthermore however moreover plus too

の訳語→ if instead until when

けれども の訳語→ unfortunately

ことに の訳語→ anyway best especially notably

の訳語→ there

さて の訳語→ right

さらに の訳語→ additional additionally another further maybe push

しかし の訳語→ actually alas fortunately Jesus nevertheless nonetheless rather whereas yet

しかも の訳語→ alone fairly interestingly

したがって の訳語→ accordingly hence

しまいには の訳語→ develop eventually ultimately

じゃ の訳語→ merely yeah

すると の訳語→ suddenly where which

そういえば の訳語→ that

そのあとは の訳語→ afterwards anymore

そのうちに の訳語→ presently preserve shortly slowly someday sometime soon

そのまま の訳語→ consequently continue directly docile exact frankly immediate immediately instantly keep let originally perfectly plain remain same simply straight unconsciously whole

そもそも の訳語→ basic begin consider essentially first fundamentally

それから の訳語→ before later second secondly thence

それでいて の訳語→ somehow withal

それにしても の訳語→ surely

それも の訳語→ preferably

ただし の訳語→ mind only

たびに の訳語→ every

だいいち の訳語→ pray

だいたい の訳語→ almost average generally idea most mostly nicely practically roughly

だが の訳語→ meanwhile

だのに の訳語→ have

ついでに の訳語→ opportunity

つまり の訳語→ briefly exactly i.e. mean particularly

の訳語→ accordance depend whenever

ですから の訳語→ naturally

でも の訳語→ already aw example once regarding some

といって の訳語→ :

とくに の訳語→ obvious outdo overly unduly

ところが の訳語→ unhappily

ところで の訳語→ hey incidentally way

とたん の訳語→ minute moment

となると の訳語→ since

どうやら の訳語→ apparently clearly dimly doubtless evidently guess likely obviously ostensibly presumably probably reportedly would

なにしろ の訳語→ altogether for

なるほど の訳語→ admittedly ah aha certainly convinced do fine gotcha magnificent quite sure surprised true truly uh-huh undoubtedly

なんか の訳語→ all hardly sort

にも の訳語→ both

の訳語→ business like news of purpose something than to wonder

はたして の訳語→ inevitably whether

ほか の訳語→ other

またしても の訳語→ again anew continuing

まったく の訳語→ absolutely apparent cold completely considerably distinctly entirely exceedingly extremely fully genuine gevalt God goddamn gosh intense man never outstanding precisely pretty squeaky strongly such supremely totally vastly virtually what

もうひとつ の訳語→ third

もちろん の訳語→ ’course forsooth

もっとも の訳語→ appropriate highly least reasonable sound unless

やおら の訳語→ abruptly quietly till

やがて の訳語→ afterward long long-run momentarily

やはり の訳語→ either equally likewise

ようやく の訳語→ barely laboriously last nearly rare reach reluctantly scarcely

プラス の訳語→ asset give positive pro

以来 の訳語→ thereafter

共に の訳語→ amid

結局 の訳語→ effectively lastly

実際 の訳語→ actuality fact personally practice

上に の訳語→ across high upstairs

の訳語→ against twins

第一 の訳語→ primacy

同時に の訳語→ along at concurrently simultaneous together

その結果 の訳語→ as a result

なんで の訳語→ how come

では の訳語→ good day

いわば の訳語→ largely per se proverbially this

一方 の訳語→ on the other hand one-way simultaneously

and so on
